Dental Services
Dental Restorations

A dental restoration refers to the many different ways that we here at 80231 Dentistry are able to restore broken or misshapen teeth, or replace missing teeth. There are a number of reasons why you may need to receive dental restorations, and these reasons can include severe dental decay, fractured teeth, damage caused by gum disease, or injury to the tooth.

Types Of Dental Restoration

The following is a list of common dental restorations:

  • Dental Fillings - Dental fillings are used to fill cavities or treat cracked or broken teeth. These are the most common types of dental restorations.
  • Dental Crowns -Dental crowns are small caps placed over the teeth in order to restore function, shape, strength, and appearance of the tooth.
  • Dental Bridges - A dental bridge is a false tooth used to fill in a gap between teeth. Bridges are anchored onto the neighboring teeth and cemented into place.
  • Dentures - Dentures are removable sets of false teeth. Full dentures are used to replace all the teeth and partial dentures are used when some of the patients's natural teeth still remain.
  • Veneers - Dental veneers are thin shells placed over the front of the teeth in order to improve the shape, brightness, and appearance of the smile.
Dental Fillings

Dental fillings are used to treat a dental cavity. First, the cavity will be thoroughly cleaned and rid of any decay or bacteria. Once the tooth is clean, a filling will be used to seal the cavity in the tooth to prevent further bacteria from entering the tooth. Additionally, dental fillings can also be used to restore broken, cracked, or worn down teeth.

Do I Need a Filling?

If you notice any of the following, you may need to receive a dental filling:

  • Visible holes or pits in a tooth
  • Visible chips or cracks in a tooth
  • Darkening of the tooth
  • A toothache that may feel dull and achy, and never seems to subside
  • Sharp pain when pressure is applied to the tooth
  • Increased sensitivity of the tooth to hot and cold temperatures

Dental Filling Procedure

Below is what to expect from your dental filling procedure:

  • First, your tooth and the surrounding areas and tissues will be thoroughly anesthetized
  • Next, Dr. Joshua Peter will use a Rubber dam to isolate the tooth before he proceeds to remove the damaged part of the tooth and any tooth decay
  • Once the decay has been removed, Dr. Joshua Peter will clean and disinfect the dental cavity to remove any additional bacteria
  • Next, the filling material is applied to the cavity in multiple layers, which a special light helping to harden each layer before the next is applied
  • Lastly, the filling material will be trimmed, shaped, and polished

If you're experiencing the above symptoms and think you may need a dental filling, please contact Cherry Creek Dentist here in Denver, CO.

Dental Crowns

A dental crown is like a cap that is placed over a tooth in order to restore the tooth's shape, function, or the aesthetics of the smile.

Why Dental Crowns Are Used

There are few reasons why Dr. Peter may suggest a dental crown. These reasons include:

  • Improving the aesthetics of your smile
  • Protecting a cracked or weakened tooth from breaking
  • To cover misshapen or discolored teeth
  • To support a Dental Bridge
  • To restore a tooth that has either broken or been worn down

What To Expect During Your Dental Crown Procedure

No matter why you're receiving your dental crown, the procedure will often take two visits to prepare the tooth and finish the procedure. During the first visit to the office, your tooth will be X-rayed and thoroughly examined in order to detect any potential problems with the procedure. If the tooth is infected, it may need root canal therapy before a crown can be placed. Next, the tooth and the soft tissue surrounding the tooth will be anesthetized so you won't feel any pain. The tooth will then be filed down on the sides and the chewing surface to make room for the thickness of the dental crown. Once this is done, a mold will be taken of your tooth in order for a dental lab to create a custom dental crown. Lastly, you'll be fitted with a temporary crown while we wait for the permanent one to be created. At your second and final appointment, usually two weeks later, the temporary crown will be removed and Dr. Peter will place the permanent crown into your mouth. He will thoroughly check the fit of the crown to make sure it's comfortable and then the crown will be cemented into place. If you're in need of a dental crown, please don't hesitate to contact Cherry creek Dentist, here in Denver, CO. Find a dentist near me - Denver, CO

Dentures & Partial Dentures

Dentures are removable tooth replacements for those with missing teeth and gums. Full dentures are recommended when the patient is missing all of his or her teeth, and partial dentures are for those who still have some natural teeth remaining.

Full Dentures 

There are two different kinds of complete dentures:

  • Dentures - With conventional dentures, a custom denture is made for you once all of your teeth have been removed and the gum tissue has begun to heal itself. With this option, your dentures will be created and ready to wear within 8 to 12 weeks after the teeth have been removed.
  • Immediate Dentures - If you're receiving immediate dentures, the dentures will be created for your mouth in advance and will be available to wear as soon as your teeth have been removed. The benefit of this method is that you won't have to be without teeth for 8-12 weeks, but the downside is that as the mouth heals from the tooth removal, you may find that your dentures become a little loose. This means that you'll have more visits to our office to adjust your dentures to achieve the perfect fit.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are replacement teeth for any group of missing teeth in the mouth, while some natural teeth remain. The artificial teeth are attached to gum-colored bases and worn in the mouth to achieve a more natural look. There are a few different types of partial dentures, all of which Dr. Joshua Peter will discuss with you depending on your specific needs, goals, and budget. For example, some partial dentures include a metal framework that clips to your remaining teeth, or it may have precision attachments, which are less noticeable.

What To Expect After Dentures

Once your dentures have been placed, it's important for you to remember that they may feel a little foreign at first. It can sometimes be difficult for our mouths to adjust to foreign objects! However, the muscles in your cheeks and tongue will learn how to keep your dentures in place and before you know it, your dentures will just be second nature.

Dental Extractions

Having a tooth pulled doesn't necessarily sound like a fun way to spend your day, but it's really a very simple and quick procedure. We're even able to perform the extraction while you're awake. But don't worry; a local anesthetic will help to ease any potential pain.

Process Of ATooth Extraction

When you come in for your extraction, Dr. Joshua Peter will make sure the area is thoroughly numbed with a local anesthetic. The area to be numbed will include the tooth itself, the jawbone, and any surrounding soft tissues, such as the gums. In order to loosen the tooth enough for extraction, Dr. Peter may need to rock the tooth back and forth. You will likely feel some pressure during this time, but you won't feel pain. Once the tooth is loosened, it is easily extracted.

Possible Complications

Before we ever extract a tooth, we here at Cherry Creek Dentist have quite a bit of information to gather first. For example, we take your X-ray to see if there are any potential problems with the tooth's roots, position, or shape, any of which can cause problems during the extraction. If a tooth is buried too deep into the bone, a more surgical approach may be necessary. This means that the gums may be cut away and the bone removed with a surgical drill in order to access the tooth.

However, we want you to rest assured that you're in good hands. Once we have your dental x-rays and know what potential problems if any, exist we'll know exactly how to take care of you.


Dental veneers are shells that fit over the teeth, providing you with a new, enhanced smile. Veneers are made of either a porcelain or composite resin material, depending on your budget and preferences for your smile.

Why Choose Veneers?

Dental veneers can instantly fix dental defects such as:

  • Chips and cracks in the teeth
  • Stains or discoloration of the tooth enamel
  • Small gaps between the front teeth
  • Unevenly shaped teeth
  • Small or disproportionate teeth
  • Brighten yellowing smiles

Dr. Joshua Peter makes sure to help each patient pick the perfect type and style of veneer to fit your face shape, smile, and budget.

Dental Veneer Procedure

There are generally three appointments needed for the entire dental veneer procedure. These appointments are for the treatment planning to design the ideal smile, the preparation, and the bonding of the veneers.

Composite Resin

If you've chosen a composite resin veneer, you can likely be done in a single appointment. Dr. Peter will bond and then sculpt the composite material onto the teeth. Once the material hardens, it will be trimmed and shaped once again until the desired look is achieved. it's important to us that you're a part of this process, as we want you to be happy with & and confident of your smile.


If you've chosen to receive porcelain veneers, a mold will be taken of your teeth once they're filed down. This mold is then sent to a laboratory, which will create your perfect veneers. Because this process can take several days, you may receive temporary veneers in the meantime. Once your porcelain veneers have been prepared, Dr. Peter will place them on the teeth to make sure they fit perfectly. When it's time to apply the veneer, the teeth will be cleaned and special chemicals will be applied to help the veneers bond to the teeth.

Veneer Maintenance

There will be an adjustment period before you feel completely comfortable with your new smile. However, you should continue with your oral hygiene routine, which should include brushing and flossing your teeth every day. To learn more about dental veneers, or to make an appointment with Dr. Peter, please don 't hesitate to contact Cherry Creek Dentist. Our dentist serves the local communities of Denver, Aurora, Parker, Centennial, Cherry Creek, DTC and surrounding areas. Find a local dentist near me today!

Teeth Whitening

Whitening your teeth is one of the best and easiest ways to boost your confidence in your smile. Society places high value on clean, bright, white smiles and you can achieve this by whitening your teeth here at Joshua Peter DDS, PLLC.

Why You May Need Teeth Whitening

Our baby teeth are generally whiter than the adult teeth that grow in later. As people age, our teeth can become yellow, dull, dark, or stained. Part of the appeal of a whiter smile is that it can make people look much younger.

There are several reasons why you may need to whiten your teeth. These reasons include:

  • The natural aging process, which can yellow the teeth
  • Staining from red wines, coffee, or cigarette smoke
  • Certain medications, especially antibiotics
  • Certain medications, especially antibiotics
  • Tooth decay and dental cavities, which can darken the teeth
  • Genetics
  • The weakening of your tooth enamel, which allows the yellow dentin underneath to show through

In-Office Teeth Whitening

A professional, in-office teeth whitening is the preferred method of whitening your teeth. In our office, we can make sure that the rest of the mouth is protected from the whitening chemicals and that the chemicals are administered in just the right amount. In-office whitening can brighten your teeth up to 10 shades in a single office visit! During the whitening procedure, protective gel will be applied to the gum tissue to protect them from the whitening chemicals. After this, a special, light-activated solution will be applied to the teeth and our laser light is used to activate the agent. The result of this simple procedure is a beautiful, white smile. If you take good care of your teeth and maintain healthy gums your whiter smile can last for years to come. To make your appointment with our Denver Dentist, please contact Cherry Creek Dentist today. Our office is located in Denver, CO. We proudly serve the communities of Denver, Cherry Creek, Aurora, Parker, Centennial and DTC.

Teeth Cleaning & Dental Exam

Receiving a professional teeth cleaning here at Our Dental office means that one of our certified dental hygienists will remove plaque, tartar, and any stains that have formed on the teeth. If you aren't brushing or flossing well enough, the plaque that accumulates on your teeth will eventually harden into tartar. This tartar can only be removed by a professional and if it isn'tremoved, can eventually cause decay, dental cavities, gum disease, and even tooth loss. The American Dental Association recommends that you receive a dental cleaning and exam every 6 months in order to keep your teeth healthy and beautiful. In addition to professional cleanings, it's also important to maintain a good at-home oral hygiene routine.

What To Expect During A Teeth Cleaning

A routine dental cleaning usually only takes about a half an hour, maybe even less. Below is what you can expect from a teeth cleaning here at Joshua Peter DDS, PLLC:

  • First, your mouth and teeth will be examined for any obvious problems such as tooth decay, tooth infections, swollen, red, or bleeding gums, open sores, or any other potential issues.
  • Plaque and tartar will be removed from the teeth. If you have a particularly bad case of tartar or gum disease, a process called scaling and root planing will be performed. This is just a thorough cleaning of the teeth and removal of any and all bacteria hiding between teeth or under the gum tissue. The methods used will depend largely on the severity of the plaque and tartar.
  • Once your mouth has been thoroughly cleaned, Dr. Joshua Peter will conduct an examination of your mouth and teeth. Additionally, you will also receive a TMJ evaluation and oral cancer screening. This is the time when you'll be able to discuss any concerns you may have regarding your dental health. If it's time for you to schedule a dental cleaning and/or a dental exam for you or the whole family, please contact Joshua Peter DDS, PLLC in Cherry Creek today. Here at our Denver, CO dental office, your oral health is our number one priority! Proudly serving the surrounding areas of Denver, Cherry Creek, Cherry Hills, Centennial, Aurora, Parker, and surrounding areas. Find a dentist at 80231 today!
TMJ & TMJ Treatments

The joints and jaw muscles that make it possible to open and close your mouth are known as the temporomandibular joints, or TMJ. There is a joint located on each side of the head, anchoring the lower jaw to the rest of your skull and allowing you to speak, chew, and even swallow properly. These joints also allow you to have control over your lower jaw. The TMJ's are ball and socket joints, with a disc between each ball and socket. This disc is necessary to cushion the pressure put on the joint while still allowing the joint to open, rotate, and move. Any issue that inhibits these muscles, ligaments, bones, and discs from working correctly may result in a painful TMJ disorder, most of which fall under an umbrella of problems known as TMD ? temporomandibular joint disorder.

Common Causes Of TMD

Below are a few common issues that may arise with your temporomandibular joint:

  • Dislocation of the joint
  • Physical injury to the joint
  • Arthritis
  • Misalignment of the jaw or teeth
  • Bruxism, which is the grinding or clenching of the teeth during sleep

Before treatment can be completed, your specific TMD will need to be diagnosed. The muscles and joints will be checked for tenderness, swelling, or popping or clicking noises when the jaw opens or shuts.

Treatments For Tmd

Depending on your symptoms, any of the following treatments may be recommended:

  • Jaw exercises to strengthen the muscles
  • Medications such as muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatories, or anti-anxiety drugs
  • A night guard or bite plate to wear to bed in the case of bruxism
  • Orthodontic treatment to realign the jaw
  • Jaw surgery for more severe cases

If you've been experiencing pain in your jaw muscles or if you believe that you may be suffering from bruxism, please contact Cherry Creek Dentist. Our Denver, Colorado dental office is here to help with all TMJ treatment needs.

Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy refers to the process of cleaning out the inner aspects of a tooth: the nerve, pulp tissue and blood supply.

Root canal therapy is needed when the pulp has been damaged from decay or trauma. Once the pulp is damaged it breaks down and bacteria starts to multiply within the pulp space or chamber. An infection or abscess can develop if left untreated.

Warning Signs Of Pulp Damage Can Include:

  • Pain with chewing or pressure
  • Pain with hot
  • Discoloration of the tooth
  • Swelling of the tissue around the tooth
  • Pulsing or throbbing around the tooth

Root canal therapy will clean out the pulp chamber and seal the tooth off so that bacteria or saliva cannot move from the mouth into the bone or the bone into the mouth. Dr. Peter will examine your tooth, take appropriate radiographs and determine the need for root canal therapy. He may refer you to the appropriate board certified specialist depending on the degree of difficulty of the procedure needed in your particular tooth.